Probate and Estate Planning Glossary: Terms To Know Pt. 4

10 more terms to know when discussing or researching Estate Planning or Probate Administration:

  1. Probate court: A court that has jurisdiction over probate matters.

  2. Heir: A person who is entitled to receive property from a deceased person under the laws of intestacy.

  3. Pretermitted heir: An heir who is not mentioned in the testator's will and who would have received property if the testator had died intestate.

  4. Holographic will: A will that is entirely handwritten and signed by the testator.

  5. Nuncupative will: A will that is spoken by the testator in his or her last illness, before witnesses.

  6. Perfection: The act of completing or perfecting a legal document, such as a will or trust.

  7. Residuary estate: The portion of an estate that is not specifically devised or bequeathed in a will.

  8. Spendthrift trust: A trust that restricts the beneficiary's access to the trust principal and income, to protect the beneficiary from his or her own improvidence.

  9. Tangible personal property: Personal property that can be physically touched, such as jewelry, artwork, and furniture.

  10. Intangible personal property: Personal property that cannot be physically touched, such as stocks, bonds, and patents.


Probate and Estate Planning Glossary: Terms To Know Pt. 5


Probate and Estate Planning Glossary: Terms To Know Pt. 3